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1. Kharouan (3 pages)

The city; windows & doors; inside a house, from the rooftops
Carpet shopping; El Jem (Amphitheater); the Heritage Center (Mosque)
People and markets (3 sets)

Bourguiba mausoleum; the Ribat of Monastir; the city and an artist and his paintings

Mosque Malik ibn Anas; the ruins, the museum (2 sets); the baths.

The museum houses one of the finest and largest collections of Roman mosaics in the world, including items from Carthage, Hadrumetum, Dougga and Utica. Some of the displayed works have no equivalent, such as the Virgil Mosaic.

Lake Ichkeul, Hammamet, Bizerte, Taher Landoulsi (Tidgi)

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